The dedication cermony of newly elected office bearers for 2019-20 was held in st thomas centre after the service on friday April 5th , 2019. Very Rev T.K Mathew was the chief guest for the service.The St thomas family extends our thanks to the Office bearers 2018-19 for the time and efforts they took during the last year to succesfully run the church and all of its activities. We would like to congratulate the newly elected office bearers and wish them good luck for the coming year.
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The dedication cermony of newly elected office bearers for 2019-20 was held in st thomas centre after the service on friday April 5th , 2019. Very Rev T.K Mathew was the chief guest for the service.The St thomas family extends our thanks to the Office bearers 2018-19 for the time and efforts they took during the last year to succesfully run the church and all of its activities. We would like to congratulate the newly elected office bearers and wish them good luck for the coming year.