Chennai-Banglore Diocese consecutively declared Our Edavaka as the" Best Parish " Award for the Financial year 2019-2020 for the excellent and smooth functioning for continuing God's Mission through various activities of Diocese,DDFContribution, wholehearted participation,leadership,commitment and initiative.
Photo-From left to Right - Mr.Abraham Varghese -Assembly Member,Mr.Biju George Thomas-Trustee Accountant,Mr.Mon Mathews C John-Parish Secretary,Mr.C M Philip- Vice President,Vicar -Rev. Jiji Mathew,Mr.Jose Baby Simon -Lay Ministrant and Mr.Jiji Mathew George-Trustee Finance
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Chennai-Banglore Diocese consecutively declared Our Edavaka as the" Best Parish " Award for the Financial year 2019-2020 for the excellent and smooth functioning for continuing God's Mission through various activities of Diocese,DDFContribution, wholehearted participation,leadership,commitment and initiative.
Photo-From left to Right - Mr.Abraham Varghese -Assembly Member,Mr.Biju George Thomas-Trustee Accountant,Mr.Mon Mathews C John-Parish Secretary,Mr.C M Philip- Vice President,Vicar -Rev. Jiji Mathew,Mr.Jose Baby Simon -Lay Ministrant and Mr.Jiji Mathew George-Trustee Finance